"..an outstanding instructor .. an innovative curriculum developer" "..superlative teaching performance.. consistently garnered high ratings" "..her ability to instruct adults with a varied level of competency speaks to Ms. Aprile's talents as a caring, skilled, and inspirational instructor. ... students praised Ms. Aprile's motivational abilities as well as her professionalism."
Rosalie Guzofsky Ph. D, former Dean - Moore College of Art
"...engaging and innovative..students always enjoyed being in her classes ...challenging, exciting, and enjoyable..interdisciplinary lessons that stretched minds and bodies. Valentine's (Master of Arts) thesis clearly established her belief in educating the whole person. The research is exceptional.." Barbara Suplee, former Chair, Art & Museum Ed - UArts.
Teaching Resume
Drawing the Dance - Collaborative teaching with John A Varriano at The Art Students League of NY - videography by Rudy Bravo
The Airborne Figure, Dance and Flight
Multi-disciplinary artist Valentine Aprile guides participants through a unique and exciting program focusing on capturing the figure in motion and suspended flight.
All levels and styles welcome.
Movement & The Model is an unconventional gesture drawing workshop.
Throughout the entirety of the class I guide participants in exercises using their own bodies relating to the model’s poses. Moving beyond mere simulation, these exercises are coupled with traditional teaching techniques and together designed to aid the growth of a more intuitive physical understanding of directional movements, weight, and tension in relation to the visual line. My previous formal dance training and experience informed the creation of the Movement & The Model class which grew out of my graduate these, Physical Realization for Gesture Drawing. It’s a super active gesture class in physical realization that facilitates more active, empathetic, and bold work. The class and thesis are both copyrighted. 2.5 hour workshop. To inquire please utilize the CONTACT template to the right or email direct at valaprile at gmail.com
Experiencing Gesture I and II; The full experience of Physical Realization for Gesture Drawing, similar to Movement & The Model (below) , in groups of sequential skill building classes leading into longer timed drawings.